The photographer could have saved this boy's life, but because of the photographer's ethics code he was prevented from helping in any way. This haunted him, and led him to commit suicide..
updated sources: http://flatrock.org.nz/topics/odds_and_oddities/ultimate_in_unfair.htm
updated sources: http://flatrock.org.nz/topics/odds_and_oddities/ultimate_in_unfair.htm
A few comments, in no particular order:
1. The photographer, Kevin Carter, did intervene. He chased the vulture away right after taking the photo.
2. There is no "photographer's ethics code" that said he should not have intervened.
3. The child in the photo is a girl, not a boy.
4. The girl was approaching a nearby famine relief center and had stopped to rest when this picture was taken. There is every reason to believe she got there and was fed. Admittedly, though, there is no way to know for sure. And admittedly, Carter did not help her get there.
5. The photo was taken in March 1993, and Carter committed suicide in July 1994. That was approximately 490 days later, not 3 days.
6. Carter's suicide note said he was despondent over his dire financial problems and the memories of what he saw while on assignment in Sudan. This image is but one of many very disturbing things he saw there.
7. There is thus no reason to attribute his suicide to this specific photo.
that is messed up, like for real y people got to be dummin out
agree to the 1st part*
gosh thats so sad
thx for the info...otherwise i'll never know the truth...
Mmmmmm Lunch
"mmmmm Lunch"- Twat
God this is absolutly horrific!
good hes dead poor little girl
Thus is life.
That is so sad, but yet we all still sit here with all our money and stability while they all starve for no reason. All the money put into movies and sports etc, when we could really use it for helping. These countries we live in are vcery selfish. I would have commited suicide had I seen such horror right before my eyes.
It’s natural selection FFS. Get a grip. I've got my own problems and I don't feel that this shit should be in addition to it.
Aid has been and is still going into the region but as usual the corrupt Government is skimming the pot.
They should have compulsory sterilisation in famine regions of the World.....Why should the affluent World continue to pour our hard earned money into places were they can't even be bothered to help themselves.
The picture is devastatingly sad.
The comment above is errogance, ego, and selfishness. It's disgusting. How can the picture not etch more humanity into your heart than for you to state that your "hard earned money" should not go to help out. What money do you have in your bank account that has more value than this child's life?
Some of the inhumane comments above are appalling beyond belief. I don't know what brings me more sadness, this child's hardship or the lack of sensivity and compassion shown.
okay this is what i dont understand...why would he take a picture but not help? who would have known? like honestly. this makes me mad, who cares if it goes against some "code" he could have saved a life. not have them both die...come on get real.
"Anonymous said...
good hes dead poor little girl
May 21, 2010 4:34 PM "
You're just as ignorant as the other posters.. Ignorance in a sense that you can't see outside your own world. This photographer did his job, and because of that, might have raised more awareness for an already existing but never ending problem. What have you done to help out? My point exactly.
how do ye know he chased away the flippin bird were ye there he done nothin thought he'd make money out of it then died a year and half later from??????? something unrelated im certain. too much bulls**t on internet these days everybody thinks they know everything about everybody!
I have my own life/kids/house. I have to make ends meet. This is just one picture and you lot get on the band wagon.
Sad? Yes.
Would I help? No.
Why? I need the money not them, to pay my bills and to feed my family. The corrupt Government would fill their own pockets, and the people who need the help would see very little to no aid at all. Education is needed in places like this into birth control and agricultural sciences so they can help themselves and to sort Government corruption.
Give your money to charities if you like, but give them to ones that are closer to home in your own country or town. You have a better chance to see it doing some good.
I can not believe the ignorancw, arrogance and SELFISHNESS i am seein reading these posts! Of course we all need to make end meet we need to eat we need a roof above our heads BUT do you and your cildren "need" all the added luxuries such as PS3, computers, hair straighteners, the latest mobile phones etc? NO! I can not bleieve that peopel place more importance on material items rather than a himan life! It is these attitudes that contribute to everything that is wrong in our world! So next time your stuffing your faces or spending money on ridiculous things think of those poor children that are starving in the world and think how you would feel if that was your child, your brother or sister or someone that you loved??
You people make me sick!
this is really sad
the photographer's just being professional.
yes they have a code of ethics regarding that.
but he felt the guilt.
Anonymous said...
I can not believe the ignorancw, arrogance and SELFISHNESS i am seein reading these posts! Of course we all need to make end meet we need to eat we need a roof above our heads BUT do you and your cildren "need" all the added luxuries such as PS3, computers, hair straighteners, the latest mobile phones etc? NO! I can not bleieve that peopel place more importance on material items rather than a himan life! It is these attitudes that contribute to everything that is wrong in our world! So next time your stuffing your faces or spending money on ridiculous things think of those poor children that are starving in the world and think how you would feel if that was your child, your brother or sister or someone that you loved??
You people make me sick!
May 22, 2010 10:19 PM
Ignorance...You seriously need to use SPELL CHECKER
I dont get what the big deal is its just a little boy and a bird behind him, im sure the boy could have chaces the bird too.
Did the bird eat him or something?
I cannot believe how cold and callous u pple r, that poor baby is starving to death u can c his/her bones sticking out, that bird is a Vulture, a flesh eating bird, who is waiting 4 that defenceless child to die, the children in the rural & starving areas r put and left outside of the villages so that their mothers dont have to see their children die nor hear their cries. When u have gone a few days without food and have felt wat real starvation/hunger is like then i wld like to hear wat u pple have to say. No wonder u r all anonymous u should b absolutely HORRIFIED and ashamed of yrselves.If u were that starving child wld u want someone to take u in & feed u or want wld u want them to just leave u to die & all they can say is "oh Shame" while they sit in their renovated house stuffing their faces and creating another case of obesity. From: Savannah Mills
fuck the photagrapher...he had a chance to safe the child but he didnt...he should have felt guilt...may he rot in hell for what he has done
WOW you people are such suckers for this shit. Its going on ALL OVER THE WORLD.. just so happens there are so many charaties and people donating money to these places and exactly how much money do you think they actually see??? Hence the Haiti relief fund.. come on... lets go over and teach them how to build and how to grow food.. useful knowledge, stuff they can use for many years to come, money is the roof of all evil and money surely isnt going to fill these starving peoples stomachs, especially if they never see it. SAD of course, but its life, and its the way the world works. get over it.
men...this is sad...i wish people could just help each other...i wish people just put someones live first before thinking about work or pride...men...so sad =(
~poor baby & photograher guy R.I.P
Most of the money given goes to give them food
"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime"
Give them skills they can use to help themselves for a long time for the same cost as helping them for a day. If the photographer had helped her, then there's one person slightly better off...What about the millions of others who starve and can't be helped? They deserve help too. But instead we sit around and say poor girl and that the photographer is a jerk and a horrible person, when we could be out there helping ourselves. If you aren't going to take action yourself, don't ruin the memory of a photographer who followed the code.
This is nature. Animals eat other animals all the time. It happens.
Poor child... if the photographer did such thing as in not feeding this child i would not judge him who knows what really happened almost all the comments ive been reading is full of ignorances for the most part noone knows what is the truth behind this photo either way the photographer is SHOWING US! what we are blinded to, he had the courage to see crazy things and show us so maybe all of us together could not just help one child but alot more you can talk bad about him all you want but i would love to see the people who are judging him right now to do something about this photo... yea no one is doing something about it huh... so before you through stones at him let a person who is actually doing something to help those poor children to judge the photographer
that's really sad =[
guys, u all must just realise that not all are fortunate to live a luxurious life..
ofcourse, some of us have families to take care of and work hard for, but it doesn't give us excuses to ignore such scenes or happenings around the world.
there are so many poverty stricken lands where nothing has been done.. n that's where we show the value of life by atleast giving some amount of donations, or writing to newspapers asking the available ways to help such miserably poor people.
Here are the facts about this photo:
You people are all ridiculous calling the photographer a terrible person. He was an activist against hunger and aparthied all his life.
He took the picture when he saw the vulture land near by, he waited twenty minutes, then chased the vulture away. He took the picture to show the situation, it is symbolic, a piece of artwork, but the girl was fine.
The fact that the picture has caused this much controversy, and gotten so many people thinking about the situation, shows that it has done it's job.
There is no code. And he committed suicide after a year, not 3 days. This photo, if you can't already tell by the quality, was taken in 1993, and the photographer, Carter, killed himself in 1994.
It wasn't because of the kid either. It was from money problems- he left a suicide note repeating the phrases, "the money, the money! I had no money to pay the bills..."
I think Sam kinison said it best. "We have deserts in america, We just don't live in them!" Not to make light of a sad situation, but what most people fail to see is that starvation and famine is an epidemic in sudan. children die every second of every day and have for thousands of years due to starvation all over the world. this picture depicts just one child that you as a thinking human being cannot grasp the profound nature of this part of human existance. bleeding hearts and arrogance abounds in our culture. will any one of you sell everything you own leave your family and your life behind and go lend a helping hand to no avail? no i think not. what you need to ask yourselves is what can i do to make my world a better place? the photographer did not do this. if he had he would have seen that meerly by taking this photograph he had made his world a better place by raising awareness to the ongoing situation there. but no he did not and grief and guilt took over. being over empathetic to this is why our own culture is disappearing. Next time you see a childrens fund commercial showing starving kids i want you to think about somthing. just because you see a poor looking person or child does not mean they are starving. dont think for one minute that everything you see on tv or internet is reality. Go there, give up your comfy lifestyle and see for yourself. Its not what you think.
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